Contact OUR whitley bay STUDIO

To register for classes or a workshop

Please visit our Student Accounts tab. There, you can register your interest, schedule a seat in an available class, or join the waiting list.

For general questions and to schedule make-up lessons

Please email

Contact us on our studio phone 0191 429 3045

Please be advised that non-emergency enquiries will be handled during office hours: Tuesday-Friday 12:00-3:00pm

If you ring us for general enquiries or scheduling during class time we may take your details so that we can call you back. This is due to our commitment to our students in the studio at that time.

For urgent classtime student updates and emergencies

Contact us on our studio phone 0191 429 3045

 For up to date class notices, new class and workshop schedule sneak peaks, schedule reminders, and excellent student artwork follow Turpentyne on Facebook or Instagram